In this article we will explore link building and creating a suitable building in both two-way relationship and link exchange campaigns. Although the content of your website is one of the most important factors in search engine placement and ranking, is also very important that you obtain quality relevant inbound links over time if you want to keep the high rankings. Getting a new website indexed is not really a problem, but the keywords that appear in search engine results is a completely different story. Link building campaigns, which are also part of the indexing process, must be done in a very specific home or on your website could suffer a penalty drop and search results in full and placed in what is commonly classified as the litter box. Although this effect has not been completely sandbox confirmed by any major search engine, most new websites appear to have a very difficult time appearing in top ten search engine ranking of keywords, but not in the first 6 months of creation, unless strict guidelines are respected for.
There are basically two types of links, one of bilateral links and reciprocal links. There are other more complex techniques link building, but the first two are the most important that anyone with a website can get without stepping out too close to the foothills of the litter box.
Reciprocal linking is basically a link exchange between two websites. Website you put a link to the site of two, and vice versa, and may be a text link or image ads from each site. However, in recent months, these types of links are being considered less valuable than a link in a way for search engines. You may be wondering, "Why bother then?" And of course it's a great question that deserves an answer. In the past a reciprocal relationship was simply considered as a link for search engines no matter what, what started to happen over time was that Web sites unrelated to exchange links to rig the results of search engines . For example, a website about exotic cars was the exchange of links with a website on the painting of the house just to make a link.
Search engines have evolved to the point that they now realize that a person in search of exotic cars, probably does not worry about painting the house, so this kind of link exchange is heavily discounted. Search engines want to provide the best possible results in the top ten to users, and how that website with a good pair of incoming links relevant now to make a website with many irrelevant links. What this boils down to a reciprocal relationship can still serve a purpose to traffic, not only qualified to get your website, but also the consideration of search engines, if the two sites linked are related in some way. An example would be if the exchange website links with exotic cars say that an alien truck website or the website for the exchange of painting the house a home renovator website.
One way links are external links to other websites that point directly to any web page on your website without any reciprocal link back. These types of links are more valuable in the set of reciprocal links and a quality one way link from a related Web page is considered a huge vote of confidence in the content of your site to search engines. As such, its ranking search engine placement will dramatically improve the search engines begin to consider your site an authority. Sources way links are forum signatures, commenting on blogs, lists of web directories, social and book marking websites, just to name a few. As stated above however, these links must be obtained from a very specific way for a natural look to search engines and obtaining many one way links to your website at once very likely result in a fine engine Search and Ranking hurt your profile link.
Now that we have analyzed the different types of links and how and where to get them, it's time to build your link building campaigns. In obtaining the two types of links you have to choose very carefully how and where your link appears. As a general rule, you should only pay for links on quality websites, and to avoid link farms, but if you're not sure which is which entirely avoid until there is a little more experience in link building, as some paid links are very small and can also get a search engine penalty, within and outside the sandbox your site will go. Link farms are basically websites or web pages that contain more than 50 external links on a website and have little or no real content on them.
This rule does not include web directories however, as most are legitimate seo-friendly web links contained in neatly organized categories that include a description of each link, which actually constitutes the required content for search engines to be lawful. As there is currently web directories that accept free one way links, now we'll cover exactly how and what to do when submitting your link with them and where to get the best of the free directory listing below.
Title (Anchor Text) - This package is based on its primary, secondary and third keywords. It is recommended that you use at least 3 titles and submit to the directories using 60% of their primary keywords, 30% of their secondary keywords and 10% of its third set of keywords. Present in this house should prevent search engines from the consideration of these links one way links and spam filtering application. Try not to use unnecessary capital letters because directory owners do not like.
Description (Web Content) - This should be written in third person with a call to action using your keywords, but not a teddy keyword sales. It is recommended that you have less than 3 descriptions consisting of 250 to 300 characters and far above their selected titles. Submit a written description and not only improve your chances of being accepted into the directory, but also help the directory owner, providing him or her with the required content of the website.
Keywords - Meta Some web directories accept key information so you should make a list that includes 3 to 7 of the most important keywords or keyword phrases.
Visit each of the web directory links provided in the excel spreadsheet as the submission of choosing the category that best fits the description of your site and copy and paste the information into the file you saved previously. Accelerate the filing process and eliminate things like spelling mistakes that will surely be rejected by the directory owner. As indicated above their link building campaigns should be done in a period of time as directory submissions are part of a long-term strategy, and get many links in one way at a time looks like spam to search engines.
It is highly recommended that you only do 5 at 10 directories a day as some have almost immediate acceptance, but most of the highest ranking directories of the page take longer list because of a back log of submissions. Once you get used to file you should find that it takes no more than 2 minutes for each directory and link building campaign will be completed with 6 weeks with a total time of 15 hours.
If that seems a little too much time spent on your part or you want to simplify the whole process of link building has recently been associated with G-Lock Software Free to distribute a presentation of the repertoire of tools that accelerates the process even further. The presentation of each directory has less than 15 seconds each, after setting their link building campaigns, and continues each above tips we automatically.
It will also monitor and report on the directories that have been filed, how many are pending, and how many have been listed and what anchor text is used for the advertisement. For more information on this free presentation tool directory Visit One Way links to download a free copy or to view a complete tutorial of the tool free directory submission in action, and do not forget to submit your site web, while you're there, is a free one way link!
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